Internationale Tagung zu Disability Studies an der Universität zu Köln

Behinderung wird heute als mehrdimensionales Phänomen, spezifische Konstruktion und facettenreiches Forschungsgebiet verstanden, das international, vergleichend und disziplinübergreifend untersucht wird. In Deutschland sind die „Disability Studies“ – Studien zur Behinderung – ein relativ junges Forschungsfeld. Im internationalen und europäischen Ausland gibt es hingegen eine längere, äußerst vielseitige Forschungstradition. Erstmalig für den deutschsprachigen Raum veranstaltet ALTER, die Europäische Gesellschaft für Forschung zu Behinderung mit Sitz in Paris, ihre 8. Jahrestagung 2019 an der Universität zu Köln.

Internationale Tagung zu Disability Studies an der Universität zu Köln weiterlesen

ALTERconf: 7th Annual ALTER disABILITY Mundus Doctoral School

September 1-4, 2019

This year’s doctoral school, (Self)Representing disAbILITY, is linked to the 8th Annual Conference of ALTER-ESDR’s theme: Histories, Practices and Policies of Disability: International, Comparative and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, which is linked to disABILITY MUNDUS, a group of European academics and universities who are actively engaged in and support scholarly research on disability. It takes place in cooperation with the University of Cologne, The Graduate School of the Faculty of Human Sciences, and iDiS, the International Research Unit in Disability Studies.

ALTERconf: 7th Annual ALTER disABILITY Mundus Doctoral School weiterlesen

CfP: ALTER Conference 2019

Histories, Practices and Policies of Disability: International, Comparative and Transdisciplinary Perspectives

Cologne, Germany, 5 – 6 September 2019

Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for the 8th Annual ALTER Conference before 20 January 2019. It is possible to submit individual abstracts or suggest organising a session of three presentations focusing on the same theme. We particularly encourage comparative, interdisciplinary and international sessions. Researchers wishing to suggest a session are invited to submit both an individual abstract of their paper and an abstract describing the joint session and its participants.

More information: